Global Care Network is committed to giving people with disabilities more choice and control over their lives and assist in independent living.

We embody the Social Affirmation Model of Disability. The Social Affirmation Model of Disability takes a non-tragic view of disability and impairment which encompasses positive social identities, both individual and collective, for people with disabilities grounded in the benefits of lifestyle and life experience of being impaired and living with a physical disability rather than the medical models of the past that still are at play in some places around the world.

The founders of Care Global Care Network came to the sector in 2010 and soon rose to become the best of the best, with one of the founders being awarded Western Australian Support Worker of the Year in 2016. The founders are driven by the fact that they have relatives living with disabilities overseas where the support systems and positive attitudes that are being cultivated in Australia do not yet exist.

This pushes them to raise the aspirations of people with disabilities to live their ‘best life’ and enjoy all the wonderful social, civic and community based opportunities that Australia has to offer by helping them to achieve their goals. They truly believe that the sky is the limit for people with disability, if they are supported in an individualised manner, and have an opportunity to build their capacity and independence. Their personal experiences give them an edge because they can see past the disability, and to the person, just like they see, their family members living with disability, no different to everyone else!

After having worked on the frontline within the disability, healthcare, and aged care sectors, as well as in Occupational Health & Safety roles throughout their varied careers, they realized that disability has an impact on everyone involved in a person’s life, their family, their friends and the community. So, the ripple effect of the support provided has a broad positive impact, like a domino effect.

For example, the right support enables family members to stop being primary caregivers and start being ‘Mum’ and ‘Dad’, it enables employers to see that a person with a disability be a productive member of the workforce, so that they get the job they’ve always wanted, so that they can pursue the lover of their dreams (or remain in a loving marriage and sustainable relationships after being effected by disability), the hobby they’ve always been interested in and spend their family members and friends, while all their needs are being met in a discreet, personalized and safe manner.

Therefore, the founders want to be a part of the revolution in the sector, and move away from the medical model, where people find themselves living in overcrowded respite facilities and we want to stop young people with disabilities being trapped in aged care services, or going to the same place every week for so-called community access, each week.

Global Care Network believe that everyone should have the opportunity to live independently, away from group homes if that is their desire. It is time to get people out there, living normal lives, and away from the assembly-line style of support so often seen and implemented by large service providers, and more towards ‘doing life together’ with housemates of their choice, doing activities of their choice, working where they want to work, and being friends with people, that they want to be friends with, having a love-life, having a family, and being seen for who they are, not just a wheelchair, physical deformity or an unusual behaviour, but a person who is valued, respected and encouraged.

We want to empower and liberate people with disabilities, and the staff we engage to support them, to be enriched by our influence on their lives, and vice versa.

The advent of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is transforming the way people are supported. We want to treat our Participants the way customers are treated when dealing with a luxury brand or boutique service. We want to bring the world to people. Simply put, the true enabler of people with disabilities is fostering a positive attitude within society at every level, focused on breaking down social, economic, physical, technological and political barriers, so that people with disabilities experience all the triumphs and trials of life, that their able-bodied counterparts experience.

Our aim, is to empower our Participants to be so independent, and to change the way the world looks at disability, that we do ourselves out of a job. Global Care Network brings to the table a global, family-orientated, person-centred approach to service delivery, driven by the recognition that all people no matter their age, race, gender, sexual-orientation, religious beliefs or physical capabilities and limitations, have the same hopes, dreams and fears. We are all the same, and all stakeholders, including – but not limited to – Participants, staff members and family members of the people we support, deserve to live an extraordinary life and to leave a positive mark on the world.

To achieve the above, Global Care Network is committed to upholding the Six National Disability Service Standards, and:
1. Uphold the individual Rights of people living with disability
2. Promoting the Participation and Inclusion of people living with disability
3. Ensure that Individual Outcomes are achieved
4. Listen, respond to and resolve feedback and complaints in a timely, professional and balanced way
5. Ensure that our Participants have access to services, including funded, mainstream and informal supports
6. Provide effective and accountable management practices throughout our organisation to maximise outcomes for Participants.